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Started by thdunivan, September 11, 2021, 08:24:12 PM

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I'm new to PID controllers so you will have to forgive me if this is a obvious question. I have a SYL-2352P hooked to a SSR. It seem to only run at o or 22amps with nothing in between. I have run the auto calibration with no luck. I not sure if I have something wrong in the settings or if the SSR (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MCWO35P/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) I'm using is wrong. Can anyone help with this?
Thanks in advance,


SSR is on/off type relay. When the controller sends the trigger signal to SSR, SSR will be closed. When the controller sends no signal to SSR, SSR will be open.

When SSR is closed (100% output), your load is powered by your power supply. If you measure the inline current, you will get the fully amperage from your heating element. When SSR is open (0% output), there will be almost no amperage (mA level leak amperage only).

If the amperage rating of your heating element is 22A, you should be good.

PID+SSR system uses time proportional PID control to adjust the power output. If you check the average output in a specific time range, the output can be adjusted.

If you need to adjust the amperage instead (like 50% of the rated amperage), you need solid state voltage regulator with linear output PID.


Is there a model that will regulate the Amps based off demand instead of the on/off?
Thanks for the help.


Auber offers one PID with linear output: SYL-2381-mA:


It provides linear 4-20mA or 0-20mA output, instead of ON/OFF signal. You need to use one linear input SSR relay/regulator to read 4-20mA/0-20mA trigger signal. Auber doesn't offer such linear relay.